Song Server Integration

Song is a companion application to Score, and is required for any file uploading or downloading. For detailed instructions and best practices for setting up and configuring the Song server refer to our Song Documentation.

Environment Variable Setup

Once your Song server is operational, the next step is to configure Score to connect with it. This connection is established by modifying your .env.score file. The required changes include specifying the metadata URL and SSL settings as illustrated below:

# ============================
# Song Configruation Variables
# ============================
# Specify the Song server details
METADATA_URL={{metadata_url}} # Example: http://localhost:8089/
METADATA_SSL_ENABLED={{ssl_enabled}} # Options: 'true' or 'false'

The table below summarizes the variables you need to set:

METADATA_URLRequiredThe URL of the Song server API. Score will use this API for all communications with the Song server.
METADATA_SSL_ENABLEDOptionalIndicates whether SSL encryption is used for secure communication with Song. Set to true for SSL, or false if not using SSL.